How To Get The Most Of Out Of A Doctor’s Appointment

Here’s what to do to help your doctor help you.

5 July 2024 6:00 AM IST

Have you gone to the doctor for a check-up and returned feeling it could have gone better or that you could have gotten more out of it? You’re not alone. Even though doctors with busy practices have a limited time to offer each patient, you can still make the most of it by following the tips listed below.

Most of these tips are for routine or planned appointments and not for any emergencies, where time is of the essence.

Regular Health Checkups Must For Timely Detection And Treatment Of Diseases

Make A List

List down all symptoms that are bothering you in the order of intensity and duration.

Note down any actions that bring you relief or worsen it.

This is especially important when visiting a paediatrician or taking your elderly parents to the doctor. Small children often get restless in the unfamiliar and slightly scary surroundings of the doctor’s clinic. Parents who are occupied with trying to soothe the child, fail to remember all the concerns in the consulting room.

With aged parents, whose memory isn’t very sharp, recalling symptoms on demand within a few minutes may be a challenge, so sitting down with them before leaving for the clinic and listing down all their issues on your phone or a pad helps a great deal when you see the doctor. This is a good practi...

Have you gone to the doctor for a check-up and returned feeling it could have gone better or that you could have gotten more out of it? You’re not alone. Even though doctors with busy practices have a limited time to offer each patient, you can still make the most of it by following the tips listed below.

Most of these tips are for routine or planned appointments and not for any emergencies, where time is of the essence.

Regular Health Checkups Must For Timely Detection And Treatment Of Diseases

Make A List

List down all symptoms that are bothering you in the order of intensity and duration.

Note down any actions that bring you relief or worsen it.

This is especially important when visiting a paediatrician or taking your elderly parents to the doctor. Small children often get restless in the unfamiliar and slightly scary surroundings of the doctor’s clinic. Parents who are occupied with trying to soothe the child, fail to remember all the concerns in the consulting room.

With aged parents, whose memory isn’t very sharp, recalling symptoms on demand within a few minutes may be a challenge, so sitting down with them before leaving for the clinic and listing down all their issues on your phone or a pad helps a great deal when you see the doctor. This is a good practice for anybody visiting the doctor as we can’t rely 100% on our memory when in a state of stress or anxiety when visiting a hospital or clinic.

What To Bring To Your Appointment

It is crucial to bring certain items to your appointment to ensure that your doctor has a complete picture of your health and can provide the best care. Here are some key things to remember:

  • Medical file — Take the file of all your old medical records. This might include any prior consultations, diagnoses, treatments and procedures you may have had. With this information, your doctor is better armed to diagnose and treat you.
  • Previous investigation reports — Keep all your prior investigation reports like blood tests, imaging studies (X-ray, MRI, CT scan) and other diagnostic tests. These help monitor the progress of the disease and sometimes can save you from repeating the tests, especially if they were done in the recent past.
  • Medications and allergies ‚— Make a list of all the medications you take including any over-the-counter medicines like vitamins, herbal supplements etc. Your doctor needs to know this information so they can effectively manage your treatment and mitigate potential dangerous drug interactions. Also record any allergies to medicines, foods or any other substances. 

Gather all these documents and organize them before the appointment. It is good practice to keep your and your family’s current medical files in an easy-to-find place that everyone knows so that it is easy to access during emergencies.

To Google Or Not To Google

In today’s digital age, it’s common to look up on the internet for medical information. While it can be helpful to research your symptoms and conditions to have an informed discussion with your doctor, it’s important to use reputable sources and not rely on unqualified influencers or non-credible websites with clickbair information to educate yourself. Remember that online information can sometimes be inaccurate or alarming. Use the information you find as a starting point for a conversation with your doctor, who can provide professional advice and context for your specific situation.

How To Navigate Health Misinformation And Spot Red Flags

The Whole Truth

Do not withhold any facts about your health, treatments and lifestyle from your doctor.

Don’t hide any symptoms from your doctor or downplay the intensity or the duration of the symptoms. Your doctor is not there to sit in judgment of your problem. They have heard and seen it all, so nothing you tell them will shock or surprise them. If you have not been taking a prescribed medicine at all or missing doses, due to any side effects or compliance issues, be open about it. Your doctor will try to change the medication and/or dosage so that you can stick to the prescription.

Also, be honest about any alternative treatments such as Ayurveda or r herbal supplements you use. These can interact with conventional treatments or even be responsible for some symptoms, so your doctor needs to be aware of them. If you have lifestyle habits that might impact your health, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, unsafe sex or recreational drug use, be truthful about these as well. Your doctor can offer the necessary advice and support in these matters.

Finally, if you have any psychological or emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, that might be affecting your physical health, discuss these with your doctor. Mental health is an important part of overall well-being, and your doctor can provide or recommend appropriate care and support.

If you think that going along with someone will prevent you from being fully open and honest with your doctor, then it is best you go alone into the consulting room. Withholding facts prevents the doctor from understanding your health condition fully and they may not be able to give you the best solution or treatment.

Be Prepared With Questions

Write down any questions you have about your illness, medication, or treatment options. You can also note down questions while the doctor is explaining to you so you can ask them all in one go without interrupting them. Never be shy or scared to ask any questions, no matter how trivial. Your doctor is there to help you better understand your health and no question will be too small or insignificant. You can also ask your doctor if you can record your conversation on your phone to help you remember and follow their advice more effectively.

Follow Up

If a follow-up appointment or any investigations are recommended, schedule it before leaving the clinic. It’s easy to forget or put off these tasks once you get busy with your daily routine. If your symptoms persist or worsen, don’t wait until the next scheduled appointment—contact your doctor or the clinic to discuss your concerns. Prompt follow-up can lead to timely adjustments in your treatment plan.

By preparing ahead of time, being honest, and actively engaging during your appointment, you can ensure that you get the most out of your time with the doctor. Remember, your health is a partnership between you and your doctor. Following these steps can lead to more effective communication, better understanding, and ultimately, a better health outcome for you.

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