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9 Practical Steps To Reduce Your Dependence On Food Delivery Apps

We often choose to order online for the convenience of it. Here’s how to make cooking at...

Regular Exercise, Safe Medication Usage: 6 Tips For Better Liver Health

While the awareness of liver health is low, these six tips could get you started on the...

How To Get The Most Of Out Of A Doctor’s Appointment

Here’s what to do to help your doctor help you.

How To Eat Healthy And Safe This Monsoon

The increased humidity of the rainy season creates ideal conditions for contamination of...

From Diabetes Control to Weight Loss: Advantages And Side Effects Of Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a game-changer in the fight against obesity, but its journey is not without...

Screen Addiction Is Affecting Our Wellbeing: Here’s How To Undo The Damage

With the average global screen time soaring, we must address what we are missing out on.

Health And Nutrition Lessons From Around The World

How different cultures can transform your diet and well-being

ICMR's Latest Guidelines On Nutrition And What You Can Incorporate

The study says the rise in consumption of ultra-processed foods, and reduced physical...

Why Indian Pharma Isn't Able To Break Free From Dependence On Chinese Bulk Drugs

Despite the government's efforts, the Indian pharmaceutical industry remains uncertain...

Here's How You Could Ensure That The Food You Eat Is Safe And Hygienic

News reports on incidents involving heavy metals in vegetables and carcinogen ethylene...

World's First Pandemic Treaty Is In A Deadlock And No One's Willing To Budge

The Global South fears sharing virus info but getting no vaccines, Big Pharma's dead set...

How To Eat Mangoes This Summer Without Spiking Blood Sugar Levels

It's not advisable to substitute a standalone meal with mangoes, as it is as good as...

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