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Friday Markets Track Global Cues
Weak global cues triggered a sharp fall in the Sensex on Friday
Markets Sailing Away, Six More Trading Sessions
When the markets are very sure of the outcomes, the focus is back on companies and...
How Online ‘Dark Patterns' Deceive Us On The Daily: ASCI CEO Explains
Unveiling 'dark patterns' in online interfaces: how they manipulate choices, their...
Why Indian Companies Are Paying Higher Taxes To The Govt
On today's episode, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Sujan Hajra, Executive...
Education Ads Shouldn't Stereotype Students Based On Gender, Appearance: ASCI Issues New Guidelines
The updated guidelines released by the ASCI seek to ensure ads consider the mental and...
‘Time To Introspect,' ASCI CEO On Increasing Ad Violations In Real Money Gaming
Real money gaming, education and healthcare emerge as top violative categories in ASCI's...