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Solving India’s Jobs Challenge

On Episode 347 of The Core Report, financial journalist Govindraj Ethiraj talks to Captain...

Citigroup Says India Will Struggle To Create Enough Jobs

The Government has issued a rebuttal to a recent Citigroup research note that had raised...

India Wanted To Skill 500 Million People By 2022. We Are Far From It In 2024

Vocational courses have neither the appeal nor enough potential to provide gainful...

Small Caps Race Ahead Again As Broad Markets Crawl

In another sign of demand compression and stiff competition particularly regional,...

Global Investors Now Promise Funds Will Flow After Elections

According to JP Morgan Chase analysts, global funds would use corrections in the Indian...

10th Vibrant Gujarat Summit Sees Major Manufacturing Announcements

rime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday wooed global investors to Gujarat and India at...

70-Hour Work Week Will Undo Work Done To Improve Women's Labour Force Participation

Women in the corporate sector are already struggling for gender and pay parity as well as...

Irregular PF Contributions Because Of Temporary And Subcontracted Jobs: What Latest EPFO Data Reveals

A major limitation of the EPFO data to represent job creation is that the new entries do...

Oil Breezes Past $95 A Barrel As Inflation Fears Return Around The World

High crude prices are obviously a threat to inflation worldwide. Countries like India are...

The India Semiconductor Race Gathers Pace as AMD Announces $400 Million Investment

The planned $400 Million Investment by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) includes a new AMD...

‘IT Services Hiring Slowdown Could Mean Poor Wage Growth': ICICI Securities' Vinod Karki On the Indian Economy

With around 49 crore workers, the informal sector comprises 90% of the Indian economy. The...

82% Indian Professionals Believe Companies Prefer Skills Over Degrees: LinkedIn Report

Most young professionals now prefer to join organisations that align with their belief...

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