From Severe Shortages to Surpluses to Shortages Again - India’s Food Economy with Siraj Hussain
On this episode, journalist Puja Mehra speaks to Siraj Hussain about agriculture policy in India

In this conversation, journalist Puja Mehra speaks to former secretary with the Ministry of Agriculture Siraj Hussain about agriculture policy, managing food inflation, minimum support price, wheat procurement, nuanced policies that balance farmer interests with consumer needs and much more.
Siraj Hussain joined the IAS in 1979 and served the Govt for 37 years. He has worked as the Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing and as Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture. At present, he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of National e-Repository Limited, a director on the board of Shri Renuka Sugars Limited and also a trustee of World Food Programme Trust for India. He writes regularly on agriculture and food policy for various reputed publications.

On this episode, journalist Puja Mehra speaks to Siraj Hussain about agriculture policy in India

On this episode, journalist Puja Mehra speaks to Siraj Hussain about agriculture policy in India